Sunday, January 8, 2017


Two days ago we went sledding at the Andersen's. They have a big ditch hill in their back yard. It was very fun and slippery when we tried to climb back up the hill.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Yesterday, Dad took me to a big scout activity. We learned to shoot BB Guns and Bows and Arrows. I loved it a lot, it was so fun!

Here is my target from the BB gun.

Here is me with my Archery target. I got one bulls-eye the first round and two the second round. That equals three bulls-eyes! The arrows sank deep into the target. Dad said I was "a natural"! 

The Range Officer made a joke:
"What do you get when you hit a bulls eye?"
An Angry Bull!

We also had our last flag football game this week. We played against a blue team and they had a really fast guy that scored most of the points. We lost. It was a bummer. But I had fun, and that's what your're supposed to do when you play games and sports. I love playing with my cousins on my team. We also had a big party afterwards with all the cousins and Bishop Spencer Kofoed ordered pizza! We got to watch some of the BYU football game too. It was lots of fun too. 

Next Friday for flag football we are having the pass and punt contest. I'm really excited to sign up next season. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekly Update

I've been working hard this week! I want to finish all my jobs every day so I can earn $2. Right now I have $42 and I am saving my money Christmas presents for my family.

Last Thursday, Mimi and Papa Ragsdale got here at 9:03 pm and My mom said we could stay up till they got here. Sawyer Porter was babysitting us. Mimi and Papa stayed until Monday morning so we go to play with them for three days!

We went to a nature museum and then for a walk along the Boise river. Me and Papa were throwing the football and when he threw it I missed and it rolled into the Boise River. I had a meltdown because I thought I was going to loose my ball forever. Mom was a hero and she saved my ball and she tried three times to walk into the water and catch the floating ball. On the third time she found a branch to fish the ball towards her and she got it! But the branch poked her in the cheek right below the eye. We walked to a restaurant to eat and my mom said, "Graham, you owe me like ten days of back scratches!" I asked why and she pointed at her scratched cheek!

I love playing flag football with my cousins. I have practice on Thursdays and games on Fridays. My coaches are Jay Walker and Rick Lochhead! I have five cousins and three more awesome 8 years olds on my team. I love it! This week, we won our game! The score was 2 touchdowns to 1 touchdown. I pulled three flags! It was also my turn to bring the treats after the game, so I helped my mom make caramel popcorn balls.

My mom volunteered to help in my class at school on Thursday. She tested us on our sight words and I passed!

I had Bear Scouts this week. We made potato soup and fried bread for our outdoor cooking requirement. It was one of the most delicious thing I've ever had!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Junior Shakespeare class

"This is my happy face."

We have a homeschool co-op we go to on Fridays called Sunrise Leadership Allience. Graham is taking a Junior Shakespeare class.

"This is my awesome face."

"I really like my two teachers. We learned that Shakespeare wrote plays. And we are actually going to do a play too! We made these ruffs in our class because that's what some important people wore, like a king or queen.

We made them out of a long piece of string and those paper coffee filters. First, we folded them up and then we stapled them and punched a hole in them. Then we put the string through the hole and tied it. This is what it looked like. It wasn't very comfortable."


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

18 Fire Ant Bites

One night I thought there were mosquito bites on my arm and I started itching them. I went and told my mom, and my mom and she said that it might just be a rash from my watch because I put it on tight. The next morning, I figured out that they were ant bites. I knew this because the white blisters came. 

Bandaged up!

We used cream and tegaderms which are clear band-aids that my dad brought home from the hospital. Soon after that, they stopped itching and became small red dots. 

I really don't know why Heavenly Father created fire ants. 


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Go Blue Vipers!

Graham had his soccer team party yesterday evening. The coaches got medals and trophies for the boys and made a little presentation ceremony of it.

 I'm glad we are doing soccer right now with the kids. They really enjoy it. In fact, I have to get after Graham for kicking balls (of any size!) around in the house!

"I think this season was great! I think this was my best team ever! I really liked my coaches. One of my team-mates was my friend from church, Logan Slaugh! and I really like my team-mates. They were really good at passing and controlling the ball and they made a lot of goals. So did I!"