Friday, December 11, 2015

Junior Shakespeare class

"This is my happy face."

We have a homeschool co-op we go to on Fridays called Sunrise Leadership Allience. Graham is taking a Junior Shakespeare class.

"This is my awesome face."

"I really like my two teachers. We learned that Shakespeare wrote plays. And we are actually going to do a play too! We made these ruffs in our class because that's what some important people wore, like a king or queen.

We made them out of a long piece of string and those paper coffee filters. First, we folded them up and then we stapled them and punched a hole in them. Then we put the string through the hole and tied it. This is what it looked like. It wasn't very comfortable."


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

18 Fire Ant Bites

One night I thought there were mosquito bites on my arm and I started itching them. I went and told my mom, and my mom and she said that it might just be a rash from my watch because I put it on tight. The next morning, I figured out that they were ant bites. I knew this because the white blisters came. 

Bandaged up!

We used cream and tegaderms which are clear band-aids that my dad brought home from the hospital. Soon after that, they stopped itching and became small red dots. 

I really don't know why Heavenly Father created fire ants. 


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Go Blue Vipers!

Graham had his soccer team party yesterday evening. The coaches got medals and trophies for the boys and made a little presentation ceremony of it.

 I'm glad we are doing soccer right now with the kids. They really enjoy it. In fact, I have to get after Graham for kicking balls (of any size!) around in the house!

"I think this season was great! I think this was my best team ever! I really liked my coaches. One of my team-mates was my friend from church, Logan Slaugh! and I really like my team-mates. They were really good at passing and controlling the ball and they made a lot of goals. So did I!"

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Big dental work

Graham had some cavities in between come of his molars...the dentist told him that the tooth fairy would pay more for silver-capped teeth!

his biggest numb smile

he is actually laughing out loud here!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Eye Dissection!

"In our homeschool co-op, I am taking a Dissection Class!
Today we dissected a cow's eye!

We used a scalpel and cut straight down very carefully. It was slimy. In the middle of the eye we found a marble-like thing. It was like half of a cream colored marble, this was the pupal. the next par around it was the iris. In the cave that held the pupal it was like shiny blue and turquoise - it was really cool!

This is the diagram I drew of the eye. I learned that when you shine a flashlight at the eye, it shines."

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Graham love

I just took off my shirt and found this in the front pocket. My sweet kids are always writing love notes to me and each other and others. It makes me so happy! 

Dear sweet Graham. He is such a good soul. He has such drive within him. 

Today we needed a cuddle moment and I took the quiet opportunity to express how proud of him I was for his hard work with school and music. It's been a while since I've snuffles his delicious ears! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Self-vid Violin

I found this on my phone.

The song is actually called "Graduation Rag" and it's the last song in the first level violin book!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Soccer man!

Graham loves to play soccer.
I love that he is totally rocking that white sweatband!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

My Baptism

Baptism of Graham Michael Ragsdale
August 15, 2015

Presiding………………………………………….…….Bishop Lisle Updike
Conducting……………………………………..Brother Nick Wadsworth
Pianist………………………………………….…………….Cassandra Baer
Chorister……………………………………..……………….Erin Ragsdale
Hymn………………………………….………………. “I am a Child of God”
Opening Prayer……………………………………………Steve Ragsdale
Talk on Baptism…………………………….....Steven and Shelly Arroyo
Special Musical Number………………………….….Debbie Ragsdale,
                                                                           Jessica Ragsdale, 
                                                                      Scotty Ragsdale

Baptism of Graham Ragsdale
Ordinance performed by Lee Ragsdale
Witnesses: Kyle Ragsdale and Steven Ragsdale

Interlude Hymns
Talk on Holy Ghost…………………..…….…………….Rick Ragsdale

Confirmation of Graham Ragsdale
Ordinance performed by Lee Ragsdale

Welcome to Primary…………………………...………..Heidi Anderson
Welcome to Ward / Closing Remarks…...……Brother Nick Wadsworth

Closing Prayer……………………………...………………Amy Ragsdale

All the Ragsdales!

"I got baptized! I am eight years old now. And I have gone through the gate and I am on the first step on the path to Heavenly Father. I felt really good when I went through the doors of the church. I heard the spirit in my heart. It said, 'Graham, you are just about to go through The Gate.' A lot of family and church friends got to come. All of the Ragsdale family came. I'm really glad they all got to come. I love them very much. 

Before I got baptized, I was gathering up a testimony because I will need a testimony when I go on a mission. I also helped plan the program. I called my aunts and uncles and asked them to be a part of my baptism program. They all said yes! 

Here is a note that Mimi and Papa Ragsdale sent me to remind me of the things Grandpa spoke about in his talk:

I felt really good after I got baptized. My dad gave me a slap on the back when he pulled me out of the water and then I hugged him."


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sister "Shmooch"

A little while ago a member of the primary presidency, Ashley Schmutz, told me this story.
Graham volunteered to share a scripture for opening exercises. He had his Book of Mormon open and ready and when it was his turn he eagerly read, 

3 Nephi 12:44
"But behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who dispitefully use you and persecute you."

Then he essentially testified of the importance of being kind. Ashley said most of the adults in the room were blinking back the tears. So I asked her to write it down and send me her version for Graham's blog.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tandem with Uncle Steven

We spent the day visiting lots of Ragsdale family. Uncle Steven got out the tandem bike!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I was talking with the kids about job charts and the division of responsibility in the home yesterday. They started debating whether mom or dad did more work. Graham was pretty addement that dad did more.

I obviously needed to correct this perception. We started listing the things that mom did. 

After a few minutes of discussing this the kids rallied and said they wanted to help with jobs more. 

"Yeah," said Graham. "Cuz it's not fair that mom gets to do all the work!"
(He said this in a whiny sort of way that showed he felt truly jipped out of doing some of the cooler jobs, like loading and starting the dishwasher or doing laundry. Machines and tools are apparently key to getting this kid excited about housework!)

"No," I agreed. "It's not fair."

Then Graham said, "Wait, what did I just say?"

I think the end result of this conversation caught him off guard. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Wee Ride!

Finally, we are using the WeeRide we got for Christmas! 

Graham is even wearing Daddy's old helmet!

That Face!

They came back over an hour later - sweaty and happy!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Third tooth

I was dreading that a lost tooth would ruin this kids winning smile... I shouldn't have worried. He still melts my heart.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Love from Sister Rindfleisch

Graham's primary teacher, Katie Rindfleisch, was just released because they moved. Katie and I were visit taught by the same sisters and we were texting today, lamenting her move out of the ward. Here is a bit of the texting exchange:

Katie: I'll miss Graham! He is super smart and knew all the right answers in church. You should be proud. It was fun to get to know him!

Me: I am proud of my boy. I can't take all the credit for the little person he is though, he is good all by himself.

Katie: That is so amazing. I really am impressed. I hope Austin can be just like him when he is older!

I told her that I would relay her compliments to him, but then I decided it would be more meaningful for her to tell him in her own words. So I asked if she would write him a letter:

Dear Graham,

I have had the privilege of getting to know you for a couple months and just wanted to write you some thoughts and impressions I have had about you as I have taught you in primary. I only got to teach you for about 3 months before my family had to move, but from those 3 months I could tell you are a special son of Heavenly Father who loves you very much. I think I learned more from you and your classmates than you probably learned from me. You always knew the right answer and helped others when they did not know what to say. You are patient and kind and I can tell you are a great big brother to all your siblings. You made me laugh every Sunday and put smiles on everyone else's faces. I loved hearing your stories about your family and the week you had like your soccer games or school or what your mom cooked for you. I especially loved hearing your prayers. Heavenly Father does hear you and listens to you. I am very impressed that you know all the articles of faith at age 7 and can read very well. Your love for learning is a wonderful attribute that you have that will get you far in life. Never forget who you are, a special son of God. Thank you for being who you are and teaching me. Thanks for making me laugh and smile, and thank you for your sweet spirit you brought every Sunday.

-Katie Rindfleisch

Monday, March 2, 2015

Playing with Sam

I was very quickly rubbing his tummy and he started jiggling and it made me laugh! 
I love it when Sam gets excited! He has cute smiles!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Music Recital Time!

Aunt Jessica teaches the kids piano and violin and Graham is taking off like a rocket!

Silly Faces!

The Song of the Wind

D Scale March

Allouette (with all the cousins singing along, of course!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Racing and Shooting

Riding our bikes! Grandpa always liked to race me on my bike. He always won!
 One time I shot a lot of arrows in the target without missing.
 I love to shoot bows and arrows. When you pull it back and you feel it getting tighter and then it comes back really fast and then I point it high and "pew!" It shoots really high and far.