Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tandem with Uncle Steven

We spent the day visiting lots of Ragsdale family. Uncle Steven got out the tandem bike!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I was talking with the kids about job charts and the division of responsibility in the home yesterday. They started debating whether mom or dad did more work. Graham was pretty addement that dad did more.

I obviously needed to correct this perception. We started listing the things that mom did. 

After a few minutes of discussing this the kids rallied and said they wanted to help with jobs more. 

"Yeah," said Graham. "Cuz it's not fair that mom gets to do all the work!"
(He said this in a whiny sort of way that showed he felt truly jipped out of doing some of the cooler jobs, like loading and starting the dishwasher or doing laundry. Machines and tools are apparently key to getting this kid excited about housework!)

"No," I agreed. "It's not fair."

Then Graham said, "Wait, what did I just say?"

I think the end result of this conversation caught him off guard.