Friday, December 11, 2015

Junior Shakespeare class

"This is my happy face."

We have a homeschool co-op we go to on Fridays called Sunrise Leadership Allience. Graham is taking a Junior Shakespeare class.

"This is my awesome face."

"I really like my two teachers. We learned that Shakespeare wrote plays. And we are actually going to do a play too! We made these ruffs in our class because that's what some important people wore, like a king or queen.

We made them out of a long piece of string and those paper coffee filters. First, we folded them up and then we stapled them and punched a hole in them. Then we put the string through the hole and tied it. This is what it looked like. It wasn't very comfortable."


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

18 Fire Ant Bites

One night I thought there were mosquito bites on my arm and I started itching them. I went and told my mom, and my mom and she said that it might just be a rash from my watch because I put it on tight. The next morning, I figured out that they were ant bites. I knew this because the white blisters came. 

Bandaged up!

We used cream and tegaderms which are clear band-aids that my dad brought home from the hospital. Soon after that, they stopped itching and became small red dots. 

I really don't know why Heavenly Father created fire ants. 
