Sunday, October 16, 2016


Yesterday, Dad took me to a big scout activity. We learned to shoot BB Guns and Bows and Arrows. I loved it a lot, it was so fun!

Here is my target from the BB gun.

Here is me with my Archery target. I got one bulls-eye the first round and two the second round. That equals three bulls-eyes! The arrows sank deep into the target. Dad said I was "a natural"! 

The Range Officer made a joke:
"What do you get when you hit a bulls eye?"
An Angry Bull!

We also had our last flag football game this week. We played against a blue team and they had a really fast guy that scored most of the points. We lost. It was a bummer. But I had fun, and that's what your're supposed to do when you play games and sports. I love playing with my cousins on my team. We also had a big party afterwards with all the cousins and Bishop Spencer Kofoed ordered pizza! We got to watch some of the BYU football game too. It was lots of fun too. 

Next Friday for flag football we are having the pass and punt contest. I'm really excited to sign up next season.