Sunday, October 13, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference

Here are some notes that I took during my chat with Graham first grade teacher, Ms. Zarate.

- All the custodians love him. he is super friendly to everyone and he always has a big smile and a wave for them int he hallway.

-Graham a moment of frustration, but then he suddenly perked up and was able to get back to work. when Ms. Zarate asked him about he said, "I just had to pull it (the answer) out of me!"

- He described himself as "Super always positive".

- He wrote the first letter of the alphabet like this "a" instead of this of the regular way, and then he said, "that's a fancy A."

Here are the things he is working on:
-Reading without hands
-Re-telling with setting, characters, beginning middle end. 
-Responding in complete sentences 
-Counting by 2 and 5

She also had a fun idea of keeping a book of goals, showing their progress and goals. This is good for holding them accountable too. 

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